By Erin, Barnaby, Silvester and Freya
On the 28th April, four children from Year 4 went to the Girl’s High School to take part in a Maths Challenge. When we got there, we were all very nervous as we had never done anything like this before. Barnaby told us jokes to try to relax us. We ate our lunch when we first arrived, then we got prepared for the challenge. When Douglas told us it was time to start the challenge, Miss Campion gave us a number and we went to find our table. When we were all seated, Douglas took charge and we weren’t allowed to see our teachers until the challenge had finished.
Our first challenge was called ‘Dicey,Dicey!’ There were 2, 3 or 4 squares on the screen and we had to add up all the numbers. Each school marked another school’s answer sheet.
We did different tasks with cards, dominos and geometry, where we had to make squares or rectangles out of a certain amount of squares and rectangles. Freya and Silvester worked as a pair and Erin and Barnaby worked together. Our last challenge was not our greatest achievement but we had a go.
The scores were all added up at the end of the challenge, while Douglas showed us an amazing card trick called ‘I love ice-cream.’
We all enjoyed being part of the Maths Challenge because it was a good opportunity for us to do something new and made Maths really fun.